Fibromyalgia Treatment and Medications
“In general, treatments for fibromyalgia include both medication and self-care. The emphasis is on minimizing symptoms and improving general health. No one treatment works for all symptoms”. – Mayo Clinic website:
Pregabalin, Duloxetine, and Milnacipran HCl are specifically indicated to treat Fibromyalgia. More about these medications, along with other treatment options, can be found at the Johns Hopkins Lupus Center’s website:
The three FDA- approved medicines for Fibromyalgia treatment are discussed, along with other medicines that help to treat the other symptoms of this condition on the Arthritis Foundation’s website here:
“As with most chronic illnesses the treatment should be tailored to meet your individual needs.
Some people with fibromyalgia have mild symptoms and need very little treatment once they understand what fibromyalgia is and what worsens their condition. Most people do benefit from a comprehensive care program. Some treatment strategies include:
Education about the illness and reassurance that it is not usually disabling
Progressive exercise programs that involve stretching and cardiovascular fitness
Relaxation techniques and other measures to help you relax tense muscles and release stress
Non-narcotic medications that diminish pain and improve sleep
Treatment of depression or other mood disorders if present
Counseling if needed
Continued involvement in the enjoyable and productive aspects of life”
--The University of Washington Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine website:
Developing a Self-Care Plan is helpful to many fibromyalgia patients as well, because the intensity and location of the pain can change with time and stress levels. See more about self-care and coping strategies at the Mayo Clinic website: