What’s the difference between Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Peripheral Neuropathy?
These two conditions differ in both cause and symptoms. CRPS is typically caused by injury to an area that also injures the peripheral nerves around that area. The symptoms of CRPS usually involve pain that is disproportionately greater than the injury itself, changes in skin temperature, color and texture, swelling, abnormal movements or resting positions, hypersensitivity of the affected area, and stiffness. Peripheral neuropathy is typically caused by diabetes, chemotherapy, or other conditions that compromise blood flow. The pain of peripheral neuropathy is commonly described as burning or feeling similar to “pins and needles”.
My doctor prescribed your pain cream medication for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Can I use this CRPS pain cream medication it for other painful areas, too, like plantar fasciitis?
We want to encourage you to first speak with your prescriber about using the CRPS pain cream medication for additional painful areas. Continue to use your specially compounded CRPS medication for the original pain complaint for which it was prescribed, and please call your doctor’s office to ask about applying this CRPS medication cream it to more than the original area. We also recommend that the pain cream medication not be applied to more than 10% of your body surface area (BSA) unless specifically instructed by your physician.
I have your Transdermal Therapeutics medication cream for CRPS. Where should I apply the pain cream medication?
Your specially compounded pain cream medication should be applied to the painful area that is affected by CRPS, which prompted your visit to the doctor's office (or nurse practitioner, PA, or other prescriber). Please make sure to apply to intact skin (no breaks or incisions) to ensure that you deliver the correct dose of medicine to the painful area.
How do I get a prescription for a Transdermal Therapeutics medication cream?
Because this is prescribed topical medication, it requires a prescription from your doctor, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or other medical provider. After your office visit, the prescription will be faxed here to us, and we will contact you for the information we need to provide your CRPS medication as quickly as possible.